Caliber Medical

Federal Employees’ Compensation Process & FAQ

Navigating the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) claim process is tricky. All the right steps have to be followed, in the right order, with the proper documentation. When you partner with Caliber Medical, you don’t have to worry about that, because we’ll guide you through every step, help with every obstacle, keep you abreast of developments and be your tireless advocate. Because that’s what you deserve.

How It Works

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Come in for an Exam & Evaluation

We will collect all necessary information and examine your injuries or other issues.

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Caliber Medical Files in ECOMP

We’ll write the causation report and handle claim filing in ECOMP (Employees’ Compensation Operations & Management Portal) using the language and causation OWCP wants to see.

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Caliber Medical Files in ECOMP

We’ll write the causation report and handle claim filing in ECOMP (Employees' Compensation Operations & Management Portal) using the language and causation OWCP wants to see. This will route your claim to your supervisor, your agency workers' comp personnel and OWCP who creates a claim number. The claim process may require additional evidence or documentation to be accepted. Caliber Medical will work with you to provide this.

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Income Stabilization for acute injuries

Meanwhile, if you have an acute injury, we can help determine what payments you are eligible to receive and will assist you in securing them as fast as possible.

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Receive Claim Decision

Every claim is different, but we will do everything in our power to expedite the process. Once the OWCP reviews your claim, they will issue a decision.


When your claim is accepted, we move into action:

  •  Referral to appropriate OWCP-certified specialists and facilities to obtain diagnostic testing and treatment for the approved condition(s).
  • File a Claim for Wage Loss Compensation
  • Reach maximum medical improvement level (MMI)
  • Receive impairment rating, which provides financial compensation


If your claim is denied, we will work with you to appeal this decision.

Get Started

The first step is an exam in our office at Caliber Medical. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get your claim process started.
Caliber Assistance for Federal Employees

Travel Reimbursement Available Through Patient Advocacy

This applies to visits to Caliber Medical as well as specialists and other medically necessary appointments.
Caliber Assistance for Workplace Injuries on or Due to Job

Telemedicine Available

If coming in to our office isn’t realistic due to your condition or location, a telemedicine appointment may be available.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does This Process Work?


We will meet, conduct an examination and collect all the information we need from you. Caliber Medical will help you file a claim via ECOMP. From there, we will advocate for you and work to provide whatever information is necessary to help get your claim accepted. Once it’s accepted, we will refer you to the appropriate specialist(s), help secure lost wages and other benefits to compensate for your losses.

What Will It Cost Me?


Most Caliber Medical services are free because we are paid by the Department of Labor. The exception is additional services such as FERS and Schedule A letters.

What If I Need Emergency Or Urgent Care?


If you have an injury in need of immediate attention, go directly to an emergency department or urgent care. Caliber Medical can assist with documentation and claims when you are stabilized.

How Long Will The Process Take?


This can be a lengthy process. According to OWCP, once we submit your claim, claim decisions may take 75 days for traumatic injuries (occurred in one work shift), 90 days for mildly complex injuries (occurred over more than one work shift), or 180 days for very complex injuries (occurred over more than one work shift).

Will I Lose My Income?


For acute injuries, we will work to get the 45 days’ worth of pay you are entitled to, then file a Claim for Wage Loss Compensation once your claim is accepted. The goal is no missed income, but this is not always possible.

I Don’t Live In Oklahoma. Can You Still Help Me?


Caliber Medical is happy to assist federal employees across the United States.

I Have A Previous Closed Or Denied Claim. Can You Help?


We can help review your case to pursue any (appellate) options that may be available on a denied claim.

What If My Claim Is Denied?


If your claim is denied – we will work with you to file for an oral hearing review of written records, reconsideration or ECAB review. You have 30 days to request a hearing. You have 1 year to request a reconsideration. You have 180 days to request an ECAB review.

Can You Help With Preferential Hiring And Schedule A Letters?


Yes, but these are at an additional cost to you.

Can You Help With FERS (Federal Medical Disability Retirement)?


Yes, but this is at an additional cost to you.

Do You Provide Care At Your Office?


Caliber Medical does provide care and is the treating provider for most of our clients.

Are Travel Costs Covered?


Depending on your situation, reimbursement for travel costs to Caliber Medical or specialists is available through DOL. Caliber Medical can help you complete the paperwork required to request payment.

Can We Meet Virtually?


If coming in to our office isn’t realistic due to your condition or location, a telemedicine appointment may be available.

Caliber Medical Federal Worker's Comp Services

Our Services

Caliber Medical offers full support and case management for everything involved in the federal workers’ compensation claims process, as well as additional services like FERS and Schedule A letters.

Federal Compensation Resources | Caliber Medical


Find important forms, government resources and other information.

Experienced Worker's Compensation Doctors and Professionals | Caliber Medical

Get Started

The first step is an exam in our office at Caliber Medical. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get your claim process started.

The Team at Caliber Medical

The Caliber Team

Winning workers’ compensation benefits can be a challenging task. You need the big guns on your side. You need Caliber Medical.