When You’re Hurt, We Help

Federal Workers’ Comp Services

Federal Worker's Comp Services | Caliber Medical

It’s hard enough being injured or otherwise unable to work and live like you used to. Attempting to manage the burden of navigating the complex and highly bureaucratic system of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) and everything else is simply too much. That’s why Caliber Medical is here. We specialize in handling all of that for you – so you can focus on healing.

At Caliber Medical, our goals are simple

Most Caliber Medical Services are NO COST TO YOU.

Keep your income flowing.


Connect you with covered, high-quality medical care.


Keep your income flowing.


Secure long-term benefits/disability ratings when needed. This is sometimes done through a referral to a trusted partner.


Federal Workers’ Compensation and FECA is our specialty

This is what we do best. We handle cases from onset and evaluation to treatment, benefits and beyond. Some of the services we offer include:

Securing Immediate Income Wherever Possible

Assisting With Claim Acceptance

Locating And Arranging Treatment

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Locating And Arranging Treatment, Including

Diagnostics & imaging
Physical therapy
OWCP-approved specialist referrals such as orthopedics, neurosurgery, interventional, pain management, medication etc.
Durable medical equipment devices

Expanding Conditions On Claim
Securing Back Payment For Missed Work
Identifying Necessary Workplace Accommodations
Forms & Reports For OWCP
Referral For Schedule Award Impairment Ratings
Federal Medical Disability Retirement (FERS)
Preferential Hiring / Schedule A Letters*
*These carry an additional cost

Caliber Medical

Accomplishing all of this is not simple. It takes an intimate understanding of how the workers’ compensation system works – and an understanding of the language, information and causation OWCP wants to see in claims. Luckily, the team at Caliber Medical has many years of experience navigating that system and securing benefits for federal employees just like you.
Federal Worker's Comp Process | Caliber Medical

The Workers’ Comp Process

The workers’ compensation claim process can be complicated. Luckily, you have a partner in Caliber Medical. We’ll help you understand the process and walk the path with you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Worker's Comp | Caliber Medical

Frequently Asked Questions

You likely have questions about how all of this works. Check out our FAQ for some helpful questions and answers

The Team at Caliber Medical

The Caliber Team

Winning workers’ compensation benefits can be a challenging task. You need the big guns on your side. You need Caliber Medical.

Experienced Worker's Compensation Doctors and Professionals | Caliber Medical

Get Started

The first step is an exam in our office at Caliber Medical. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get your claim process started.